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Heat and cold therapy: Knowing which to choose and when is critical for pain relief

Photo courtesy of iStock

Ouches’ and ‘boo-boos’ growing up were mostly treated with help from Mom, Dad or a caregiver along with a Band-Aid featuring your favorite cartoon.

As you got older, though, these bumps and bruises sometimes transitioned over to strains, sprains and chronic pain — and then came the use of gel packs, heat pads or even a sauna. (Regardless, Scooby Doo adhesive bandages will never not be cool and help ease the pain a bit, regardless of your age.)

How do you know when you should apply ice versus when should you sit in a steaming hot bath?

Photo courtesy of Hackensack Meridian Health

Sapna Rama, D.O., board-certified in internal medicine, helps identify key differentiators for cold therapy from heat therapy and outlines the appropriate relief plans depending on your injury or pain:

What is cold therapy?

Cold therapy is utilized to reduce blood flow by closing blood vessels. As explained by Dr. Rama, cold therapy can ease pain noticed within the first 72 hours of any acute injury, such as an ankle sprain or muscle strain.

When someone suffers an acute injury, there’s inflammation and increase blood flow to the affected area. “This increase in blood flow is what causes any swelling and pain,” Dr. Rama explained. “By applying cold therapy, such as ice packs, frozen gel packs or even ice baths, you can reduce the inflammation and pain and ultimately allow your body to heal.”

In addition to acute sprains and strains, what else can cold therapy be used to heal?

Dr. Rama said that cold therapy could be useful for flaring joints caused by arthritis, gout flare-ups and vascular headaches as well.

When should I absolutely not use cold therapy?

“You should refrain from using cold therapy for attempting to treat any chronic type of injury,” said Dr. Rama. Additionally, the expert warned that you shouldn’t ever apply cold therapy to open wounds.

“It is also not recommended for people with circulatory problems or neuropathic problems, such as diabetic neuropathy,” Dr. Rama said.

What do I need to know about cold therapy?

Dr. Rama provided the following tips and guidelines for cold therapy:

  • Never apply ice directly to the skin. You need to have a thin barrier — such as a towel or shirt — between the skin and ice, Dr. Rama said. “Otherwise, you risk causing frost bite or damaging the delicate tissue of your skin,” she cautioned.
  • Never apply ice for more than 20 minutes. Dr. Rama cited multiple studies, which suggested that the body will have a negative response and dilate the vessels if applied any longer, causing more inflammation.
  • Wait 40 minutes to 1 hour before reapplying. “Don’t fall asleep or keep it on for hours as this can prevent healing,” she said.
  • Cold, burning, aching and numbing feelings are normal. “You may experience these sensations — and trust that it is completely normal,” said Dr. Rama. “Despite any discomfort, try not to remove that ice because it really can help.”

What is heat therapy?

The role of heat therapy is to increase blood flow by opening up blood vessels. “The goal here is to increase pliability, flexibility and mobility of the muscles and joints,” said Dr. Rama.

Individuals can use two methods: Dry heat — such as heating pads, dry heating packs or saunas — or moist heat, such as steamed towels or hot baths, to target the pain areas. “Moist heat is believed to be more effective and act more quickly,” said Dr. Rama. “But keep in mind the location of pain. If it is a small, localized area, heated gel packs may be best. If it’s a larger part of the body, though, steamed towels or hot baths may be more effective.”

When should I use heat therapy?

Dr. Rama noted that heat therapy is best for chronic issues, such as stiffness caused by arthritis, which typically create feelings of dull and achy pain. However, she also stated that people can use heat therapy when they are exiting the acute phase of injury (typically post-72 hours) and beginning the subacute phase.

“Listen to your body,” said Dr. Rama. “If the area still appears inflamed and radiating with pain and redness, it is likely too early to apply heat therapy. But if you feel that you have transitioned, then change your therapy plan, too.”

What do I need to know about heat therapy?

Dr. Rama provided the following tips and guidelines for heat therapy:

  • Regardless of the moist heat or dry heat method, use heat therapy for about 30 minutes.
  • Use enough insulation. “Make sure that the heat source doesn’t overheat or burn the skin,” warned Dr. Rama.

When should I absolutely not use heat therapy?

“For any acute injuries such as muscle sprains, strains, knee injuries, fractures or dislocations, heat therapy is not advised,” said Dr. Rama.

Much like cold therapy, heat therapy should also never be applied to open wounds, and patients with circulatory problems should avoid, too.

Why is it important to know the difference between using heat versus cold therapy?

Photo courtesy of Hackensack Meridian Health

“If you don’t use the right therapy at the right time to facilitate healing, you can sometimes make the problem even worse,” Dr. Rama said. “As always, though, make sure to consult with your doctor if you have any questions or have any concern with your health.”

Dr. Rama is located in Weehawken and is a physician at Hackensack Meridian Health Medical Group, a network of more than 1,000 physicians and advanced providers at over 300 practices throughout New Jersey. Our care network can help you better manage your health. Visit to find a practice near you.

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.

Four simple ways to protect your knees while performing exercises

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Exercise is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but when your knees hurt, it can be difficult to find the motivation to get up and move. It may even feel safer to not exercise so you don’t do even more damage to your knees. However, for most people, knee pain isn’t a reason to stop exercising — and exercising can actually be good for your knees. The key is working out in a way that’s safe yet effective for your knees.

If you’re feeling sore after an activity, don’t panic: That’s a sign the exercise is doing its job, said orthopedic surgeon Anthony J. Costa, M.D. at Riverview Medical Center. “The purpose is to make your muscles sore so that you get stronger,” he said.

But if you experience a sharp pain in the knee joint while exercising, you should stop immediately, and alter that exercise.

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean you have to give up pursuing a particular fitness goal. “If your outcome is strengthening your quadriceps, there are many exercises you can perform that don’t put undue shearing stress or pressure across the kneecap into the femur bone. Modify your activities to still get the same outcome, but with less stress on the knee,” said Dr. Costa.

Unless you have arthritis or a knee injury, there’s nothing inherently dangerous or problematic about most exercises, but it’s important to use common sense. For example, if you experience knee pain every time you do a specific exercise, then don’t keep doing it.

Four Tips To Protect Your Knees

Use these tips from Dr. Costa to make sure your fitness regimen is beneficial to both you and your knees:

  • Stick to low-impact exercises. Trading high-impact activities for low-impact ones, such as cycling, swimming, or using the treadmill or rowing machine, helps improve the efficiency of the knee joint and decreases the risk of injury, especially for those with knee pain.
  • Don’t exercise on hard surfaces. Sidewalks and other hard surfaces don’t offer much shock absorption and can be hard on your knees. A slightly bouncy surface — such as a treadmill or a soft track at a high school — softens the impact and is more forgiving. (Just don’t forget to wear properly fitted sneakers.)
  • Avoid bending your knees too much. Exercises such as lunges, burpees and squats put excessive pressure on your knees. If you’re already experiencing knee pain, these movements will simply create more pain. Stay at a half squat (90-degree bend) or less.
  • Warm up and stretch. Start with a warm-up, such as a slow jog for five to 10 minutes, and then stretch for another five minutes before you begin exercising. The warm-up will engage all the muscle groups and get the blood flowing, while stretching will target specific muscles, thus protecting your muscles and joints from injury.

Dr. Costa’s biggest tip? Find an activity you love to do, and stick with it. “Exercise for your well-being, and that’s mental and emotional and physical, not just the physical part. That’s why I don’t tell patients you have to go and do this one exercise,” he said. “I tell them, do what you love. If it doesn’t hurt you, continue it. And now you have a lifestyle change and that’s really what’s important.”

Learn how Hackensack Meridian Health’s orthopedic teams are committed to helping you maintain bone and joint health. To make an appointment with Dr. Costa or another Hackensack Meridian Health doctor near you, call (848) 245-8080.

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.

New screening improves chance of detecting lung cancer early

A team of tobacco dependence treatment specialists in Hackensack University Medical Center’s Quit Center is here to help individuals break the habit.

Finding a lung tumor early means having more options for treatment, less surgery and a higher chance of survival. However, just 15% of lung cancers, the most common cause of cancer death in America, are found early enough for treatment.

Fortunately, a new test is available at Hackensack University Medical Center for high-risk patients. This low-dose spiral computed tomography (CT) screening is used to find lung cancer in its early, more curable stages. The test has increased lung cancer survival rates by 20% in the U.S.

Those considering the screening should assess the following factors:

  • Individual has a history of heavy smoking (30 pack-years or more, such as smoking one pack a day for 30 years or two packs a day for 15 years).
  • Individual is a current smoker or has quite sometime in the past 15 years.
  • Individual is between 55 and 80 years old.

Those who have a family history of lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and/or a history of occupational exposure to asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, silica or radon also may be eligible for the screening.

The low-dose CT lung cancer screening is easy, takes little time and results in exposure to a minimal amount of radiation.

For more information about lung cancer screening at Hackensack University Medical Center, call (551) 996-3384.

Helping You Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is tough. But with the team of tobacco dependence treatment specialists in Hackensack University Medical Center’s Quit Center, you don’t have to go it alone. They’re heart to help.

The Freedom from Smoking Workshop and its monthly support group are free programs that:

  • Help individuals create and stick to customized quit plans.
  • Educate individuals regarding nicotine replacement therapy and other smoking cessation aids.
  • Help manage cravings by developing coping skills.
  • Provide support to make sure individuals are successful.

To schedule an appointment with a tobacco dependence treatment specialist, get more information about the Freedom from Smoking Workshop, or to attend the next support group, call (551) 996-2038.

Advanced gynecologic cancer care close to home gives patient new lease on life

Linda Muller with her husband, Judge George Pollard.

A New Lease On Life, A New Circle Of Friends

This year was a big one for Bergen County resident Linda Muller: She had a new grandchild, enjoyed a trip to Norway and celebrated the second anniversary of her last treatment for an aggressive form of uterine cancer.

Due to the care and expertise of the gynecologic cancer team at John Theurer Cancer Center (JTCC), part of Hackensack University Medical Center, women such as Linda receive comprehensive, innovative care administered by an experienced team of gynecologic oncologists.

Linda was diagnosed with Stage I uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) in 2016, when she was 68 years old. Her symptoms were minimal, which made it difficult to detect early. UPSC spreads faster to other tissues and organs than most uterine cancers, and, on average, women diagnosed with it usually need urgent treatment beyond surgery, including chemotherapy and radiation.

Feeling Fine, And Then …

At the time, Linda was feeling mostly normal, but she was experiencing vaginal bleeding, a cause for concern among women in menopause. She met with her gynecologist, Barbara Cavallaro, MD, and spent the next five months at medical appointments, as well as undergoing surgery and treatment.

After choosing John Theurer Cancer Center, Linda met with Ami P. Vaidya, MD, director of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, co-chief of the Gynecologic Oncology Division at JTCC and a national expert on UPSC. “She was fabulous,” Linda said. “She picked up the phone, called the hospital and told them to get an operating room for Monday.

“The speed with which my team moved gave me enormous confidence,” Linda said, adding that she never felt rushed and the team made sure to explain each step. “They were incredible, very efficient and compassionate.”

A Customized Treatment Plan

A complete hysterectomy was performed using robotic-assisted surgery, a minimally invasive procedure using small incisions. “We strive for a cure with the least disruption of quality of life,” Dr. Vaidya said.

Surgery was just one of several steps in the treatment plan. Linda’s team meets at the center’s weekly tumor board, where doctors collaborate on the best course of action for every patient in their care. “We’re not working in silos. We’re working very much together,” Dr. Vaidya said.

“We were able to put our heads together and come up with the optimal treatment plan for Linda,” said Donna M. McNamara, MD, co-chief of Gynecologic Oncology, who managed Linda’s chemotherapy. Radiation oncologist Loren Godfrey, MD, oversaw the third portion of her treatment: Vaginal brachytherapy, which involved the placement of radiation sources directly in the vagina to kill remaining cancer cells.

Dr. McNamara was impressed by how well Linda and her husband, Judge George Pollard, remained upbeat during the multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. “Seeing someone with such a positive attitude going through such aggressive treatment is an inspiration to other patients,” Dr. McNamara said.

Gratitude And Hope

Following treatment, Linda returned to her busy work schedule as a real estate agent. While she feels great, she knows there is a chance that the cancer will return. But she returns to the center for checkups and remains hopeful. Throughout her journey, she has created an emotional connection with her doctors and a loyalty to John Theurer Cancer Center.

“I have such gratitude. I go back every few months to get checked, and each time I step through the door it’s like meeting old friends,” Linda said. “I wouldn’t move out of this area because if I need care again, this is the place I want to go.”

Physicians on the gynecologic cancer care team at John Theurer Cancer Center, part of Hackensack University Medical Center, treat women of all ages with endometrial, ovarian, cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers, and offer investigational therapies through clinical trials. For more information or to make an appointment, call (551) 996-5855.

Know before you go: A test of your OQ (orthopaedic quotient) from Rothman Orthopaedics North Jersey

Although they advise stretching both before and after jogging, the physicians at internationally recognized Rothman Orthopaedic Institute note that the before-and-after sessions should be handled somewhat differently.

Should you warm up or cool down a pulled muscle? For that matter, should you warm up before running, cool down after a jog — or both? Those and similar questions are the subjects of active debate among the physically active, and a common focus of patient discussions with orthopaedists who provide sports medicine care.

Indeed, the physicians of Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, a multi-location practice internationally recognized for the treatment of musculoskeletal issues, hear such queries from patients at all of the institute’s 37 locations, including the Institute’s offices in Montvale, Rutherford and Glen Rock.

Following, three of Rothman’s orthopaedic surgeons answer common questions about avoiding injury and maximizing workouts. All board-certified and specially trained, Drs. Rocco Bassora, Andrew Beharrie and Christopher Inzerillo provide orthopaedic care to northern New Jersey residents.

Ice or Heat for a Muscle Pull?

Dr. Rocco Bassora

Muscle pulls are best treated with ice for the first 72 hours to decrease swelling and ease pain, the doctors say. Once the injury begins to feel better, heat can be applied to help speed healing.

When you sustain an injury, the blood flow increases to the affected area to repair the damage. One of the byproducts of this increased blood flow is pain, Dr. Bassora explains. Ice slows the blood flow and, thus, reduces pain.

“I tell my patients to use pain as their guide,’’ Dr. Inzerillo adds. “Pain is the body’s thermostat. If there’s worsening pain, then you’re pushing too hard. In the absence of pain, you want to do your pre-exercise stretching warmup to prevent further injury.’’

“When muscles are injured, they can get tight and stiff, and that increases the risk of further injury,’’ Dr. Beharrie adds.

Stretch Before Running, After Running  Or Both?

Dr. Chris Inzerillo


However, stretching before exercising should be approached a little differently than stretching afterward, the doctors agree.

Before exercising, the goal is to warm up the muscles.

“Tight muscles are more likely to be injured,’’ Dr. Inzerillo explains. “So, if you don’t stretch out pre-exercise, your risk for injury rate may be increased. At the tail end of exercising, muscles tend to cramp up and contract, so post-exercise stretching helps keep them flexible and loose.’’ He recommends holding a “good stretch” for 10 to 15 seconds prior to exercise, working each of the muscle group three times. Post-exercise, stretching each muscle group for 10 seconds probably is adequate.

“You don’t need to spend as much time post-exercise,’’ he says.

Dr. Bassora recommends doing “dynamic” stretches pre-exercise, such as jumping jacks, arm circles, torso twists and leg swings.

“Warm-up sessions for five to 10 minutes before running or exercising can help warm up muscles, so they perform optimally,’’ he explains.

While it’s important to stretch all muscles areas, Dr. Beharrie advises runners to focus on the hamstrings and calves as “those muscles tend to be the tightest, and so are more prone to injury.’’

What Should You Do When You Get A “Stitch” In Your Side When Running?

Dr. Andrew Beharrie

A stitch in the side can be caused by one or more of several factors — including eating prior to exercising, dehydration, or shallow breathing, the physicians explain.

“This happens fairly frequently,’’ Dr. Beharrie said. “Prevention can go a long way. Make sure you consume any meals a significant amount of time before running — at least a couple of hours. And make sure you’re hydrated.’’

“You should be drinking water throughout the day,’’ Dr. Inzerillo adds. “A good rule of thumb is dividing your weight by 2. That’s how many ounces of water you need as a baseline, just to keep you hydrated. If you’re going to exercise, you need to up your water intake.

Deep breathing also can help, Dr. Bassora advises. He advises runners to breathe deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

“If not enough oxygen is being delivered to the body, a stitch can occur,’’ he explains.

If you’ve taken these precautions and a stitch still occurs, the doctors advise slowing down, applying pressure to the side and breathing deeply.

“If that doesn’t help, you may want to stop and stretch your abdominal muscles,’’ Dr. Beharrie adds. “And if that doesn’t work, you may want to end the workout.’’ 

Does the Time of Day You Exercise Influence the Benefits You Obtain  or Your Risk of Injury?

If the goal is to lose weight, morning exercise — before eating — is the best way to go, the doctors agree.

“You wake up on an empty stomach, so the physical activity taps into your fat stores,’’ Dr.  Bassora explains. “On the flip side, if you want to build muscle mass, working out in the afternoon is more advantageous. Your muscles tend to perform optimally later in the day,’’ he adds.

All three orthopaedists agree that the time of day has no impact on risk of injury. They also stress that it’s just important to make exercise part of your routine.

“The key thing is that you are exercising,’’ Dr. Beharrie notes, “whether it’s in the morning or night.’’

Even when taking precautions, many runners and others engaged in regular exercise can experience injuries or pain from overuse. When that’s happens, it is best to be evaluated by a skilled orthopaedist.

At Rothman Orthopaedics, all physicians are board-certified and fellowship-trained in specific specialties, meaning joint surgeons only focus on joints, spine surgeons on spines and so on, ensuring the highest level of care.

At the initial visit, patients receive a complete assessment, including a thorough review of their medical history, a physical exam and X-rays.

“At a first visit, most patients are going to be prescribed a conservative treatment, which might include physical therapy, a brace and anti-inflammatory or pain medications,’’ Dr. Inzerillo says. “For patients who continue to hurt and be limited, we would look into potentially more aggressive treatments.’’

Using the latest in minimally invasive technology, Rothman’s team of more than 60 full-time researchers work alongside highly trained physicians to develop new techniques to improve the quality of care.

“There is a lot of exciting work happening in orthopaedics, particularly in terms of joint preservation and repair,’’ Dr. Inzerillo says. For example, new techniques are being developed to remove cartilage from a patient’s knee, stimulate growth of that tissue and then transplant it back into the knee.

“We’ve also made advances in repairing the meniscus, which is a key shock absorber in the knee,’’ he adds. “In the past, meniscus tears were taken out. Today, there are more options than ever before for patients to relieve pain and help them resume all the activities they enjoy.’’

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute is internationally recognized for the treatment of musculoskeletal issues that prevent patients from living a full life. The practice has 37 locations, including 15 in New Jersey. Northern New Jersey offices are located in Montvale, Rutherford and Glen Rock.

Not only are Rothman physicians board-certified in orthopaedics, they’re also fellowship-trained in specific specialties, meaning joint surgeons only focus on joints, spine surgeons on spines and so on, ensuring the highest level of care.

Using the latest in minimally invasive technology, Rothman’s team of more than 60 full-time researchers works alongside highly trained physicians to develop new techniques to improve the quality of care.

To schedule an appointment through the practice’s online portal, visit, or call (800) 321-9999.

Green Roof Condominium in Guttenberg brings eco-friendly design, modern luxury living at affordable cost


With spectacular views of New York City, incredible amenities and an unbeatable location, Green Roof Condominium presents a once-in-a-lifetime buying opportunity.

Known for its affordability and proximity to Manhattan, New Jersey’s Gold Coast has been popular with young professionals, and in recent years the area has blossomed. The Gold Coast is not just a bedroom community for commuters: It’s a sophisticated place to live, work and play, appealing to all demographics, including families and downsizers. For those who dream of owning, the Gold Coast is a smart place to start, and the condos at Green Roof are the area’s best value with little money down and a short, 22-minute commute by public transportation to Manhattan.

A six-story newly constructed building in Guttenberg, Green Roof at 62-68 69th St. was built by the award-winning developer NRIA. The 39 one-bedroom condo residences — some of which have dens — all have modern, open floor plans and glass-railed balconies. Amenities include an amazing Manhattan-facing rooftop terrace with outdoor grilling kitchen, lounge area, and adjoining indoor club room with TVs, fireplace soft seating and catering kitchen. In addition, there’s a private garage parking with charging stations.

Green Roof’s modern residences feature both single level and duplex-style. Every unit has 9-foot ceilings, an open floor plan, hardwood-style flooring, and a European-inspired kitchen with modern cabinetry, Quartz waterfall edge countertops, and stainless-steel appliances.

The best part? Qualified buyers receive lender’s assistance in the form of down payment and closing cost grants. That means it’s possible to purchase a $400,000 condo at Green Roof with just $2,000 out-of-pocket, less than the deposit on some car leases. Combine these incentives with historically low-interest rates, and you have a once-in-a-lifetime buying opportunity on your hands that will pay dividends for years to come.

“Green Roof is a mega affordable condominium complex in the heart of Guttenberg,” said Ivel Turner, who recently bought there. “It’s an easy commute to New York City by ferry or train. I love my condo and the area and highly recommend it to anyone interested in buying.”

Green Roof’s modern residences feature both single level and duplex-style. The floor plans range from 637 to 1,397 square feet and are priced from $334,000 to just over $800,000. Every unit has 9-foot ceilings, an open floor plan, hardwood-style flooring, and a European-inspired kitchen with stainless-steel appliances, Quartz waterfall edge countertops, and modern cabinetry. Every unit has a washer and dryer, multi-zone HVAC, LED lighting, and state-of-the-art retractable 110 volt/USB charging station. Take a tour of model units at Green Roof on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. or by appointment, (201) 819-4541.

Click here for more information.



Staying fit at 50 – and beyond: Tips from 3 Rothman Orthopaedic Institute physicians in Bergen County

A complete, hands-on approach to keeping bones and muscles healthy can help people stay fit and strong at 50 and beyond, say the board-certified physicians at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute.

As we age, maintaining bone and muscle health and strength is key to avoiding injuries or conditions that hinder our capacity to live full, happy lives.

A comprehensive, proactive approach can help people stay strong and fit at 50 and beyond, according to the board-certified, highly trained physicians at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute’s northern New Jersey offices.

Dr. Rocco Bassora

“There are four elements to maintaining good musculoskeletal health: strength, endurance, flexibility and balance,’’ said Dr. Rocco Bassora, who specializes in shoulder reconstruction and sports-related injuries of the shoulder, elbow and knee.

Consistent, low-impact exercise can allow people to address all four of those elements, Dr. Bassora and his colleagues say.

“I’m a big fan of four to five days a week of low-impact exercise — biking, swimming, walking, elliptical, yoga,’’ said Dr. Chris Inzerillo, a specialist in sports-related injuries of the knee, shoulder and elbow. “These activities help maintain fitness without a lot of pounding on the joints.’’

Exercise does not have to be extremely demanding to be effective, stresses Dr. Andrew Beharrie, who also specializes in sports-related injuries of the knee, shoulder and elbow.

“It’s important to stay active,’’ Dr. Beharrie says. “That doesn’t mean you have to be in the gym every day. Taking daily walks of a couple of miles will help maintain muscle strength and endurance, and also will help maintain weight.’’

The physicians note that while the exertion level need not be intense, it should be enough to get your heart beating faster than its resting rate.

Dr. Chris Inzerillo

“Beyond the musculoskeletal benefits of exercise, studies show that if you can exercise for 20 minutes and get your heart rate up, it decreases the risk of heart disease, cancer and depression,’’ Dr. Inzerillo said. “It also helps keep your weight down. For fat-burning, the rule of thumb for beats per minute is 180 minus your age, so that someone who is 60 would want to achieve a heart rate of 120 beats per minute during exercise.’’

It’s also a good idea to vary your routine, and to include different types of cardio activities and weight-lifting, the Rothman Orthopaedic physicians recommend.

“By performing different types of exercise — elliptical, biking, swimming – you’re not putting too much pressure on any one area, and you’re benefiting from working out different muscle groups,’’ Dr. Bassora said.

Dr. Andrew Beharrie

“When you do the same repetitive motion, you’re going to stress that particular tendon and muscle repeatedly,’’ Dr. Inzerillo added. “You can develop overuse injuries. I often advise patients to cross train — swim, bike, and throw in a yoga class.’’

According to the physicians, for maintaining or increasing strength, weight-lifting is a great way to bolster bones and muscle.

“The more you strengthen your muscles, the easier it is for you to ambulate — to go up and down stairs, to get up from a seated position — all those things that are easy when we’re younger but that become more difficult as we age,’’ Dr. Bassora said. “Weight training two to three times per week can help strengthen bodies so patients can perform daily activities more easily.’’

Use the right amount of weight is key, according to the physicians. Too much can cause injury; too little is ineffective. Dr. Inzerillo advises patients to work with weight they can comfortably lift for 10 to 12 repetitions, while feeling a pull or bit of fatigue on the 10th to 12th rep.

Stretching is crucial to maintaining flexibility, the doctors agree.

“As we age, our joints become stiff, making it more difficult to be active,’’ Dr. Bassora said. “Incorporating dynamic and static stretches into an exercise program helps individuals gain flexibility that can lead to less pain and stiffness in the long run.’’

The doctors advise light stretching or warm-up exercises, such as leg lifts or jumping jacks, before working out. After exercising, more light stretching helps to prevent muscles from getting stiff.

The fourth component — balance — helps prevent falls that can lead to significant injury.

“We see a lot of patients in their 70s and 80s with hip fractures from a fall,’’ Dr. Bassora said. “It’s critical that you work on core strengthening to improve balance. That can include yoga, Pilates, tai chi – those types of activities can help strengthen your core so you gain better balance and are at lower risk of falls.’’

Internationally recognized for the treatment of musculoskeletal issues that prevent patients from living a full life, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute has 37 locations, including 15 in New Jersey.

Exercise also supports one of the best ways to stay healthy as we age — maintaining a healthy weight, the doctors say. Even losing a few pounds is beneficial, as 4 pounds of extra pressure is exerted on the knees for every pound of body weight. So, losing 10 pounds takes about 40 pounds of extra pressure off the knees, Dr. Bassora explains.

“One of the most important things people can do, regardless of age, is to maintain a healthy weight,’’ Dr. Beharrie said. “The more weight we carry, the more stress there is across our hips and knees, and the more prone we are to injury.’’

If these steps have been taken and you’re still coping with pain, stiffness, a limited range of motion or a musculoskeletal injury, the Rothman Orthopaedic specialists note that the type of medical attention required depends on the severity of the injury, the degree of pain and whether it is responding to home treatments.

“If you’ve sustained an acute injury – a fall or muscle pull — and you have difficulty carrying out the activities of daily living, you should consult an orthopaedic doctor,’’ Dr. Beharrie said. However, “If symptoms respond to treatment — heat, ice, anti-inflammatory medications — over a few days to a couple of weeks, then the need to be seen is lessened,’’ he says. “If it becomes nagging over weeks or even months, an orthopaedic should be seen to evaluate the joint or body part that’s involved.’’

Internationally recognized for the treatment of musculoskeletal issues that prevent patients from living a full life, Rothman Orthopaedics has nearly 40 locations plus 58 facilities with surgical privileges. In the past year, Rothman Orthopaedics has increased their presence in northern New Jersey with office openings in Glen Rock, Paramus (2020) as well as expanded facilities in Rutherford and Montvale. Both the Rutherford and Montvale offices will have more exam rooms, more convenient office hours, access to more doctors from different subspecialties, allowing Rothman Orthopaedics to treat more patients with various conditions.

Not only are Rothman Orthopaedics physicians board certified in orthopaedics, they’re also fellowship-trained in specific specialties, meaning joint surgeons only focus on joints, spine surgeons on spines and so on, ensuring the highest level of care.

Rothman Orthopaedics’ team of more than 60 full-time researchers, using the latest in minimally invasive technology, works alongside highly trained physicians to develop new techniques to improve the quality of care.

To schedule an appointment through the practice’s online portal, visit, or call (888) 636-7840.

Against all odds: The gift of organ donation changes the course of life from tragedy to triumph

Bob Williams alongside his donor, Kim Roumes, who he credits for turning a tale of potential tragedy into a triumph.

Bob Williams

Bob Williams was weeks away from going on dialysis when the call came that a kidney was available. The donor? Fellow Roxbury resident Kim Roumes, who knew that donation would be an invaluable opportunity to give life to another person.

What began as a plea on Facebook from Williams’ wife, Kathleen, in November 2018, ended in a tale of triumph eight months later. “I’ve been feeling great ever since,” said Williams, who returned to work at NJ 101.5 about one month after his transplant. He remains infinitely grateful for his good fortune and the generosity of his friend, Roumes. In fact, Williams walked 3.1 miles at NJ Sharing Network’s 5K Celebration of Life with donor Roumes at his side.

Roumes insists that becoming a living kidney donor turned out to be among the best things she’s done with her life. “Right from the beginning, I never had any hesitation,” she said. “I said I was going to try to be a donor, to see if I was a match, and it all worked out that I was.”

Ezequiel Garcia took up running in honor of his late son, Reinaldo, who died unexpectedly in a motorcycle accident.

Ezequiel Garcia

On Sept. 11, 2011, Ezequiel Garcia’s son, Reinaldo, 29, died suddenly in a motorcycle accident and became an organ and tissue donor. Running in honor of his son, Garcia ran his first 5K in June of 2013.

The race was hosted by NJ Sharing Network, the nonprofit organization responsible for the recovery and placement of donated organs and tissue for those waiting for a life-saving transplant in New Jersey. Since then, Ezequiel has continued to run in honor of the memory of Reinaldo. After winning a gold medal in 2016 at the Transplant Games of America in Cleveland, Ezequiel ran his first full marathon (26.2 miles) in 2017 and completed the New York City Marathon on Nov. 4, 2018.

Dawn Burke received a right lung transplant after being on the waiting list for almost two years.

Dawn Burke

Dawn Burke believes in the power of prayer and positive thinking. The 59-year-old Keyport resident starts and ends her day the same way — by praying — and she also keeps affirmations posted around her home, including her favorite: No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up.

Burke was a patient at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, where she received the gift of life: A right lung transplant. For years, a chronic cough went undiagnosed until she was told in 2016 that she suffered from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a disease that causes permanent scarring in the lungs. Almost two years after being placed on the transplant waiting list, Burke received the life changing call: “We’ve found a donor for you.” That same day, she received a new lung and was back on the road to her renewed independence.

Burke can now look forward to resuming her favorite activities, such as gardening, photography and socializing. She is fortunate to have a wide support system of friends and family, including her son, Darren, who flew in from Hawaii to be with her during the surgery, and she also attends a support group. “Sometimes you feel like you are the only one going through something,” she said. “The group gives me hope and it comforts me to hear their stories. Beyond attending the 2020 Donate Life Transplant Games, Burke also has her sights set on visiting her son in Hawaii. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about lately,” she said. “Hopefully I’ll be getting there soon.”

Sam Prince received the gift of life in the form of a new heart, and he is forever grateful.

Sam Prince

Sam Prince was born with multiple congenital heart defects that kept him from engaging in the usual joys of childhood — riding a bike, playing on the playground, even walking up stairs. He spent time in isolation because of a weak immune system, and he desperately needed a new heart.

Thankfully, at age 8, Sam, a North Caldwell resident, received the call he so needed: They found a match. Sam received a life saving heart transplant on March 14, 2011. “It was a fabulous gift — it saved my life,” Sam said. He was finally free to live the life of a healthy first-grader and enjoy typical activities. Now, Sam especially enjoy giving back to others. He has raised more than $3,000 selling lemonade at Sam’s Lemon-Aid Stand at Gould School in North Caldwell, and he participated for the eighth year in NJ Sharing Network’s 5K Celebration of Life with “Max’s Mitzvah Movers,” a team created by big brother Max in Sam’s honor as his Bar Mitzvah project in 2012. The team has raised more than $60,000 for NJ Sharing Network.

“My donor gave me the greatest gift you could possibly give,” Sam said. “I can’t wait to celebrate the gift of life at the 2020 Donate Life Transplant Games!”

Mike Strusiak has taken up ballroom dancing alongside his wife, Lisa Colasurdo, and they will take to the floor for the 2020 Donate Life Transplant Games hosted in New Jersey.

Mike Strusiak

Mike Strusiak received the gift of life 12 years ago. Since then, he has seen four daughters graduate college, walked three of them down the aisle, enjoyed time with his five grandchildren, and he recently got married. And for all of that, he will forever celebrate and be grateful to his donor, Kristen O’Hara.

Fifteen years ago, Strusiak was an active parent and an avid golfer. But a diagnosis of renal cancer required the removal of both kidneys and, ultimately, years of dialysis. On Sept. 12, 2007, he received a kidney and pancreas transplant. Since then, he has found his way back to the sport he loves and is thankful for a rich life. Now 62, Strusiak has participated in the Transplant Games of America since 2008. As co-manager of Team Liberty, he has won medals in golf, basketball, ballroom dancing and bocce. And with each victory comes a renewed tribute to the person who has made it all possible — Kristen.

His “angel,” as he refers to her, was a 19-year-old basketball player at Jackson Memorial High School who passed away in a motor vehicle accident. Strusiak’s medals are attached to Kristen’s donor square on a memorial quilt at NJ Sharing Network. “I wouldn’t have these medals if it weren’t for Kristen,” he said.

Strusiak’s story doesn’t end there: In 2018, he met and married the love of his life, Lisa Colasurdo. In the 2018 Transplant Games, the newly wedded couple foxtrotted their way to the podium in the ballroom dancing competition. The pair will once again take the floor at the 2020 Games hosted in New Jersey.

To learn more about the 2020 Donate Life Transplant Games, visit


Through compassionate, concierge-level services, Unicity Senior Advisors assists in planning and problem-solving for loved ones

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Americans are living longer than ever and, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of individuals older than age 65 (considered the fastest-growing demographic in the nation) will nearly double to 72 million within the next 15 years and account for some 20% of the total population by 2030, a trend which has triggered  serious consequences.

“A large number of Americans are getting older, and this has led to a growing need for services,” confirmed Jela Maretic, regional executive director of Unicity Healthcare, a Ridgewood-based leader in integrated care management solutions for seniors.

Additionally, the need for senior services has been compounded by Medicare’s increasingly stringent scrutiny of health care expenses in an effort to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. “This has led to a reduction in the amount of time seniors can remain in a rehabilitation facility or hospital and even their eligibility for a hospital stay, which subsequently reduces the amount of time a family has to figure out what to do for their loved one,” Maretic said.

Further complicating matters for some families, “Many clients’ families we serve often live out of the area, the state or sometimes even out of the country. As a result,” she noted, “families require services because their support system is not local, we become an extension of the family. Happily, Unicity has been successfully providing compassionate elder care services throughout northern New Jersey and southern New York for nearly a decade.”

“We work with seniors experiencing a broad range of issues, from dementia/cognitive decline to stroke, psychiatric conditions, behavioral issues like hoarding, and more who may be unable to take care of themselves or their homes,” Maretic explained. “Their families are concerned for their safety and well-being but have difficulty managing these situations themselves and don’t know what to do.”

Navigating the Process

According to Maretic, Unicity Senior Advisors can assist in a wide variety of ways.  Through their team of eight experienced geriatric care managers – all seasoned nurses or social workers who specialize in adult and senior clients – “we can visit clients as frequently as requested to spend quality time with them, provide medication management, assist with doctor’s appointments, help them move to assisted living, and support them in adjusting to that new environment,” she said.  “On the operational side, we can straighten out/organize their finances, connect them to trusted elder law attorneys in our network, and arrange power of attorney relationships and health proxies to ensure that those legal details are covered.”

“We also provide personalized counseling, support, and education to family members and our care managers regularly e-mail the families of clients each day to provide an update on their loved one’s status,” added Maretic, who noted that many people initially requesting their services aren’t necessarily sure of their loved one’s full needs. “As we talk to them and get to know their loved one, we learn more and more,” she said. “We deliver a customized and concierge level of care and the services we provide can be as little or as much as someone wants.”

“We understand that this can be an emotional time for families and their senior loved ones and they often don’t know where to begin or what questions to ask, so we try to help them navigate the process and reduce their stress,” Maretic said. “We take care of details that families would if they were able to, help to alleviate feelings of guilt, and instill confidence that their loved one is in great hands and being cared for in a quality way.”

Currently supporting clients throughout northern New Jersey and Rockland County, N.Y., and set to expand their services to southern New Jersey in 2020, Maretic is excited about the role Unicity Senior Advisors can play for the region’s beloved population of seniors and their families. “Our staff has a passion for senior care and we take great pride and joy in spending time with our clients, getting to know them, and positively impacting their quality of life,” she said.

“We have a great system designed to help seniors manage what they can’t on their own and families are extremely grateful for our ability to fill in the gaps,” Maretic said of Unicity Senior Advisors’ services. “We’re dedicated to getting every issue covered, examining the need for different services now and later, and fully meeting our clients’ needs.”

Providing integrated care management solutions for seniors/adults and their families on a private-pay basis, Unicity Senior Advisors, a division of Unicity Healthcare, is located at 135 Prospect St. in Ridgewood, and can be reached at (201) 670-7100 or by visiting


Top tips to enjoy the outdoors and stay injury-free this winter

According to the CDC, an estimated 1 million Americans are injured every year from falling on ice and snow. JAG-ONE Physical Therapy offers strategies to safely navigate the cold-weather months.

Staying safe and exercising good judgment can help prevent the most common outdoor and recreational injuries this season.

Wintertime can present multiple opportunities for fun — as well as potential injury. For instance:

  • An estimated 1 million Americans are injured every year from falling on ice and snow, according to the CDC.
  • Statistics show that America’s emergency rooms treat over 11,000 snow shoveling-related injuries and associated medical emergencies every year.
  • Some 600,000 people in the U.S. are injured each year while skiing and snowboarding, according to the National Ski Areas Association.

“Winter is a tricky time of year,” said John Gallucci, Jr., MS, ATC, PT, DPT and CEO of Woodbridge, NJ-based JAG-ONE Physical Therapy. “There are a lot of fun things to do outdoors, but we definitely see an uptick in injuries from people engaging in recreational sports, shoveling snow and slipping on ice. Everyone is vulnerable to these injuries and we treat people of all ages, from kids and teens to adults and seniors.”

Recreational Injuries

With skiing and snowboarding, “The most common issues we treat involve knee injuries — from ACL and meniscus tears to tears of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) or lateral collateral ligament (LCL),” Gallucci said. “We also see a fair share of wrist injuries caused when skiers or snowboarders fall on an outstretched hand and sustain ligament sprains or tears and/or bone fractures. These types of injuries often occur as the result of a collision or because the individual isn’t prepared for the level they’re skiing or snowboarding.”

Shoveling Injuries

“When people shovel snow or try to chisel ice from their driveways, cars and walkways, they’re often in a rush to get somewhere and don’t leave enough time to do the job properly and safely,” Gallucci said. “They’re not warmed up or prepared for the mechanics of shoveling, which include involved rotational and lifting movements that can tax the body. As a result, shoveling can cause soft tissue injuries of the low back, legs and hips, while chipping at ice can lead to upper extremity, shoulder and elbow injuries and tendonitis,” said Gallucci, who also mentioned that these seasonal activities drive a documented spike in cardiac issues as well.

Slip-and-Fall Injuries on Ice

“Black ice actually refers to clear ice, which is difficult to see,” Gallucci said. “It can happen anywhere, from pavements and roadways to parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, etc., and can lead to such injuries as fractured hips, wrists and kneecaps. Emergency rooms, orthopedic offices and physical therapy practices see a massive increase in these injuries during the cold-weather months.”

Warming up beforehand and lifting snow with the legs rather than the back is advised for those tasked with shoveling snow.

Top Tips for Preventing Wintertime Injuries

Gallucci shares the following best practices to help make sure that time spent outdoors this season is as enjoyable and injury-free as can be:

  • Be a Savvy Skier — “Be prepared for the level you’re skiing, make sure you’re aware of and understand the ski conditions, wear the proper safety gear and adhere to all safety guidelines,” he said. “In addition, because ski areas can be crowded, especially along the East Coast, consider skiing during less-popular times to reduce the risk of collisions.”
  • Be a Smart Shoveler — “People often go from their bed, shower or couch right to the manual labor of shoveling, which can be overly taxing on an unprepared body,” Gallucci said. In addition to warming up by stretching and engaging in a short period of aerobic exercise beforehand, he suggests that people understand the rules of the road. “Lift snow with your legs (not your back), take your time, and rest intermittently so that the activity isn’t too much too quickly,” he said. “Ergonomic shovels are available on the market, but it’s still important to read the directions to ensure that you’re using them properly and safely. And be sure to stay well-hydrated while shoveling snow,” Gallucci added. “Muscles can spasm if they get dehydrated.”
  • Be Intelligent About Ice — “Be aware of the possibility of icy conditions and opt for winter footwear that provides good traction,” he said. “When they’re outside, women and men should transfer from heels and hard-soled shoes, respectively, to boots designed for outdoor conditions.”
  • Seek Physical Therapy for Injuries — “Any injury that’s sustained will affect the musculoskeletal system, but physical therapy can help reduce the severity of the injury and accelerate the healing process,” Gallucci said. “PT can help restore range of motion to the joint, rebuild strength and return you to full functionality and the ability to perform activities of daily living.” He noted that those who sustain soft tissue injuries not requiring surgical intervention — such as strains and sprains of the quadricep, low back, hamstring and shoulder muscles — should seek physical therapy within 24 hours of the injury to minimize the damage. “For those who do require surgery (for fractures, etc.), PT will take place once the doctor clears them post-surgery.”

Overall, Gallucci encourages people to exercise good judgment during the cold-weather months so that they don’t spend the season sidelined by injury. “Winter can be fun,” he said. “Just be safe!”

For More Information:

JAG-ONE Physical Therapy is a comprehensive physical and occupational therapy company with 59 locations throughout New Jersey, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, Westchester, Manhattan, Long Island and Pennsylvania. The company’s multispecialty staff has been serving the tri-state area for more than 20 years and has developed a unique, care-first model of rehabilitation delivering high quality clinical outcomes for its patients. For more information, visit and visit on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.